Jennifer Shepherd 詹妮弗一週愛情運勢 2014年9月22日 ~ 9月28日


摩羯 水瓶 雙魚
白羊 金牛 雙子
巨蟹 獅子 處女
天秤 天蠍 射手



The sun will be opposite your sign for a while, and this means your energy could be a little low. It's best to take it easy. Don't date six people at once. Don't try to work double shifts if you can avoid them. You'll want to spend some time chilling out by yourself.



You and your partner will feel closer than you have for a while, thanks to cozy Venus. You could discover new ways of connecting with your honey, even if you've known each other a long time. If you're single, you might experience a strong spark of passion with somebody new.



The sun is increasing your physical stamina. You'll have more energy than you have in quite some time. You could schedule lots of dates in 24 hours. Or you might run a marathon and find that you reach the finish line faster than you expected .



You'll be expressing yourself really well over the next month, thanks to communicator Mercury. You'll won't feel as shy as you usually do. This is a great period to network, attend job interviews, and experiment with new social groups .



Mars is creating some feelings of impatience. If you've been wanting to take your relationship to the next level and your sweetheart is dragging his or her feet, you'll be tempted to issue an ultimatum. It's okay to stand up for what you want.



As Mercury prepares to go retrograde, don't make any sudden moves. You have a lot of projects and relationships going on, and you need more time to sort everything out. Don't let your partner pressure you into making any major decisions.



With a new moon in your sign, you're ready to make a fresh start. If you're single, you're determined to be happy on your own. If you're involved with someone, you're focusing on healing, communication, and personal growth.



Try not to repeat the same mistakes that you've made in past relationships. The moon is reminding you that it's easy for you to fall into bad habits that don't really serve you, and you need to make changes. Embrace a new attitude .



Mars in your sign is increasing your luck. If you have a crush on someone, you'll find it easier to attract this person's attention. If you're in a relationship, you and your partner will be having fun and enjoying being together.



You could discover that you still have strong feelings for someone from your past. Venus is forcing you to take a look at emotions you may have buried about a former flame. These feelings need to be addressed before you can move forward.



The sun is creating a bouncy, playful feeling for you. You'll want to party with good friends and keep things light and joyful. Don't engage in serious discussions just now because you won't be in the right frame of mind to focus.



Your creativity is strong as Mercury increases your mental energy. You'll want to express yourself through art, music, or writing. Consider writing a love poem for your honey or composing a romantic song for your sweetheart.


文:譯典園 & Jennifer Shepherd