Jennifer Shepherd 詹妮弗一週愛情運勢 2014年9月15日 ~ 9月21日


摩羯 水瓶 雙魚
白羊 金牛 雙子
巨蟹 獅子 處女
天秤 天蠍 射手



You'll be in a good mood as Mars lifts your spirits. You'll be the life of the party as you attend various social events. You'll make your honey giggle at home as you fire jokes at him or her. Share positive energy with people who need it.



The sun is encouraging you to speak up. If you're attracted to someone, stop waiting around and expecting the other person to do something about it. Take action and let your feelings be known. You never know, it could pay off.



This is a great time to focus on self-improvement. You might want to explore self-help techniques so you can maintain a positive attitude. Or you could start an exercise regimen to get into better shape. Venus says do something just for you.



You're coming up with a winning plan as the moon increases your brainpower. You'll figure out a way to improve your finances, fix your health, or heal your relationships. Take action on these progressive ideas and watch good things happen.



Jupiter is stirring up some personal drama. You could discover that someone you trusted has been working behind your back. Or you might find out that a family member has been lying about something. Don't let yourself get drawn into negativity.



You could be going back and forth about a relationship, trying to figure out if it's right for you. The moon is encouraging you to keep exploring. Get an opinion from someone outside the situation if you need some extra input.



Several people might be attracted to you at the same time. You'll have to decide whether to date them all or remain exclusive with just one person. Mercury is encouraging you to connect with new people, even if you simply become friends with them.



Don't get caught up in pointless melodrama, even if people around you are acting crazy just now. Saturn is reminding you that you need to remain centered instead of engaging in gossip, silly arguments, or interpersonal chaos.



You could hear from a friend or dating partner you haven't spoken with for a while. Mars is putting you in a "forgive and forget" frame of mind, so it will probably be okay to speak with this person. Try to put the past behind you and let go of old hurts and grievances.



The moon opposite your sign is telling you to slow down. You've been spread a little thin lately, trying to solve all the world's problems, but you need to take better care of yourself. Tell your honey that you need some "you" time.



Be more attentive to your honey's needs this week. You might be so caught up in your own concerns that you neglect to listen to what your partner is trying to tell you. The moon is reminding you to be more empathetic.



You'll find the solution to a problem that has been plaguing your relationship as the moon enhances your powers of intuition. Trust your gut instincts and act on any insights that come to you. Soon you and your honey will be getting along better than ever.


文:譯典園 & Jennifer Shepherd