Jennifer Shepherd 詹妮弗一週愛情運勢 2014年8月18日 ~ 8月24日


摩羯 水瓶 雙魚
白羊 金牛 雙子
巨蟹 獅子 處女
天秤 天蠍 射手



You could receive some good news this week as two planets align in a favorable position. If you applied for a job, maybe you'll land an interview. If you keep asking that cutie out, perhaps he or she will finally agree to date you.



You'll enjoy intimacy and touch with your honey this week as the sun increases your sensuality. As an Earth sign, you love being creative with your hands. Indulge in some nice massages with your honey and celebrate your special connection.



You're worried that your partner just doesn't understand you, and it's bumming you out. Mercury is creating some communication glitches. You might benefit from consulting a couples therapist, minister, or mutual friend who can help you and your honey talk things through.



Your psychic abilities are super strong now as the moon helps you pick up on hidden vibes. You'll understand what your honey is going through without him or her even saying a world. Pay attention to your dreams, too, because they could be providing helpful messages.



You'll be attracted to two people at once as the moon makes you a bit schizophrenic. Maybe you're still hung up on somebody from your past even though you're trying to move forward in a new relationship. Take some time to sort through your feelings.



The sun will be in your sign for several weeks, bringing you an increased sense of confidence and direction. You'll be ready to tackle problems in both your personal and professional life, and very soon, all areas of your life will improve.



You're beginning to view a love relationship in a different way as the moon brings you some new insights. Maybe you're finally figuring out some destructive patterns that have brought you trouble in past romances, and you're working to overcome them. Good for you.



Neptune is exaggerating those little fears and anxieties that you too often carry with you. Don't panic. Things aren't as bad as they seem. Spend some relaxing time with a good friend or chill out at home with your sweetheart. You' ll soon feel much better.



Don't jump to conclusions about your honey's true motivations this week. A moon opposition could be making you a little paranoid, and you'll be tempted to lash out in anger when there really isn't any need to do so. Try to keep your cool.



A friendly sun will start to bring you some positive events and new social contacts. You could discover that someone you know casually is interested in getting to know you on a more intimate level. Check it out and don't be too shy.



You're going through some big changes with your overall life direction, schooling, or career. Jupiter is showing you that you need to do things in a new way. Seek some help and insights from your sweetheart, best friend, or a trusted advisor.



The sun will be opposite your sign for a few weeks, so take it easy. Don't make any major decisions just now about life or love because you could be missing an important part of the picture. Instead, keep your options open.


文:譯典園 & Jennifer Shepherd